Blogging, SEO

Blog SEO: 41 content ideas for your listicle

Studio Cotton founder Aime.
Aime Cox
Founder of Studio Cotton
Aime is utterly obsessed with sharing heaps of small business and website advice that’s easy to action
Free from AI

This article and all others on the Studio Cotton blog are written by humans. Please enjoy our opinions, expertise, advice, experiences, and typos.

Listicles are my go-to recommendation when small businesses and podcasters ask me, “but what should I blog about?!”. We’ve already written about why listicles are the easiest type of blog to write and shared some tips on how to write your first listicle – so this is that much overdue what guide.

A listicle is an article in a list format.

It’s a nifty way to turn your thoughts, expertise, opinions and insider secrets into a valuable piece of content that your audience will want to digest like a yummy packet of biscuits*, and Google will be able to rank and get more eyes on your website. If you want to use your blog to boost your SEO, listicles will be your jam.

*I don’t actually like biscuits, I think they’re dry and overrated. I know, I’m a terrible Brit but I was too hooked on the word ‘digest’ to think of an alternative.

Anyway. This intro could’ve just been “I really want you to write lists of stuff on your website, so here’s some content ideas for those lists”, so let’s get to it.



Sharing your top industry and niche tips is probably the most common subject of a listicle - and I still can't get enough of them.

My top tip for your top tips articles? Limit yourself to ~5-10 entries, you can always create a "X more tips" follow up, and turn your expert advice into a must-read series.

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Hey sustainable textiles brand, tell me about your 9 favourite sustainable bathroom products. Hey you Cumbrian travel guide, share your ultimate 12-piece camping kit for a sunny weekend in the Lake District.

You're a professional Christmas tree decorator?!

Ok, first thing - I want your job.

Second thing - I want your list of 15 colourful bauble boxes from the British high street.



Whether your busting or whatever the opposite-of-busting is, a listicle of myths is one of the most cathartic blogs to write.

Have your say on your industry's most viral advice and create a bangin' piece of POV content.



There's a reason I buy my shampoo from a very spenny haircare brand - my hairdresser recommended it, and I trust their judgement.

Share your top brands that are relevant to your niche (and maybe even your brands to avoid too).



This is your chance to save your readers' bacons and ease their blank-page stressin' - they know why they need to do something, they kinda know how - but they're struggling with the what.

Yep, you could totes copy the structure of this very listicle. I give you my enthusiastic blessing.



A real opportunity to let your creativity and insider knowledge shine.

Tell me about your easy alternatives to a stuffy dinner party, or keep it traditional with some affordable and/or sustainable swaps.

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Brummie business coaches, share your must-visit networking events in Birmingham. Oi you lovely PT, what are your favourite 5Ks?

Freelance sommeliers, please send me your favourite wine-derful events (well, send other people your fav events, sadly I like wine even less than biscuits ????).

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Pros & Cons

When there's no always-right right answer, it can be mega handy to help your reader out with a list of pros and cons.

Give your reader the info they need to make an informed decision, and become their go-to source of supportive content.



Here's a bangin' go-to listicle idea for anyone who needs to work on their local SEO - introduce your audience to places near you.

The tastiest places to eat, the aesthetic places for a photoshoot, the romantic places to propose, the best places to birdwatch.



There's more than one way to skin an easy peeler (although not to brag but I can do it in a single peel like a total satsuma pro).

A great format for broader concepts, this one works for marketing, sports, negotiation and oh so much more.



This might just be my choice for an underused listicle subject. Help your reader understand what could be a reasonable progression in their craft, or even share your own business or podcast journey milestones.

If you wanna up your transparency, publish a milestone listicle on all the steps you've taken to be more sustainable too.




One of our early listicles was all about creative workshop venues in Bristol - a blog we published after struggling to find a spot for our live website & SEO sessions.

Venue listicles aren't just for the wedding industry, but TBH I will never get bored of a local or unusual wedding venue listicle either.



I can't believe a gift listicle is so far down this list of ideas.

I'll be honest, it's because so far I've been expanding on a previous listicle-ideas Instagram post which wasn't in any particular order.

Anyway. Gift guides. Write them. Every year. Every season. Every gift recipient.

Well, the relevant ones only, obvs.



An added benefit of sharing your go-to people in your industry is the chance to make a connection and start a conversation with a dream peer.

If you're a podcaster, maybe try being ever-so-brazen and share a list of the people you'd love to guest on your show.



The how-to is an absolute blogging classic, and can easily fit into a listicle format.

Sharing a steps listicle doesn't need to have a project in mind, it could be more practical - like 5 steps to unravelling that knitting WIP you'll never finish, or maybe 4 steps to picking the free delivery limit for your online shop.



Pinterest isn't the only source for finding out about trends - I bet you have some strong opinions about your industry's fads and crazes.

This listicle idea is a great one for a lil strategic ranking (and and maybe even less-strategic ranting).

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I try to avoid the word 'mistake' in my content (which can read more about in my blog, 8 *silly* small business website mistakes).

But as we all know - you learn from your mistakes, and it might be great for your SEO to let your audience learn from your mistakes too.



I have some great resources to learn more about website accessibility, and implement some easy changes that'll remove barriers for your disabled customers.

Except, they're all currently sat in my head, because I desperately need to write a listicle about resources.

A resource list is also a perfect complement to a podcast episode or series.



Speaking of podcasts (which we always are, since we specialise in small business & podcast web design), publish that list of your recommend relevant podcasts.

Just like we did with our 9 stellar small business podcasts handpicked by small business owners.

a pair of black podcasting headphones are hanging from a narrow black shelf in Studio Cotton


Excuse my lil flurry of ideas that are particularly bangin' for podcasts, but a listicle of episodes around a theme, or just your favs, is something I'd love for you to write.

Or if you're like me and don't have a podcast, but love being a guest - upgrade that Spotify playlist into a listicle of your appearances.



Eugh, I just realised that I still haven't published my blog on services that'll help your SEO - PR, copywriters, VAs... ok - I'll save the rest for the article that I'll write soon. Or not soon.

Just like a product listicle, this is your chance to share your opinions on where your readers might wanna invest their money.

Hand holding a pair of delicate round reading glasses in front of a window


Be a scientist and try publishing your findings - but in a listicle, not a journal. Or both, I don't wanna hold ya back.

Whether those are findings from a conversation on your podcast (ok, I'll chill out on the podcast stuff now) or from an event you attended, or an experience (like a trade show) - get 'em on your blog, plz.



Publishing this very listicle is my last job of 2023, but if I was more organised - I totes would've written a blog on web design trend predictions for 2024. Ah well.

Prediction listicles aren't just for NYE, and can be worked into holidays - like Valentine's Day - or be a all-year-round opportunity to demonstrate your industry leadership.

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Alright, this is a simple one. Share a list of shops.

Ideally shops that sell something relevant to your brand or location, but you might be surprised how many of your customers could find you when they next Google "The best shops for/in...".



A list of books? About as groundbreaking as florals for Spring, I know.

I literally couldn't leave this literary listicle off of our listicle idea listicle, especially since it set us up so nicely for some clunky alliteration.


Cafés & restaurants

Only a couple of weeks ago, our content producer Lyzi published 12 coffee shops for meetings in Bristol - a kinda beta test for this new blog template you're reading right here.

Those little spins - adding in the 'for meetings' - add a tonne of specificity and SEO rankableness to an easy-to-write blog topic.

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This entry is an ode to one of my best friends - Kelly - who can't get enough of inspirational quotes.

They're not my cuppa - but if they're yours (and your audiences) - that's another listicle to add to your to-write list.



Sometimes you need to write a listicle just to flesh out a process, like giving candidates more info on how to get picked for a bursary, help makers know how to get stocked in your shop, or let potential podcast guests know what rustles your listeners' jimmies.

These kinda functional listicles can still be bangin' for SEO, and help your audience get to know you via a peak behind your criteria curtains.



Have you ever wondered what technology your favourite web design company uses to create its websites? Well, we published ours in a listicle just like this one.

Sharing your techstack and recommendations adds some super relevant content to your website AND as a bonus, heaps of tech companies offer affiliate schemes where you could get a kickback too.



How about publishing that collection of your team's most-loved Summer BBQ dishes in a listicle?

This content idea is perfect for anyone in a food-adjacent industry.


Seasonal Produce

I never know what's in season, apart from strawberries in June, right?

From fruit to flowers to game to veggies to grains to anything that I guess comes from nature - a listicle of what's in season will never be a bad idea.



Important dates for your diary is a proper popular content format for Instagram posts, but that bad-boy could be working its magic on your blog too.

Whether they're dates for your industry, or dates important to your business, pop them in a neat and tidy listicle and let your readers fill their journal (or Google calendars).



Font (yes yes or typeface) listicles might just be for the designers out there - but I wanted to include an example of an industry-specific listicle.

Going niche and ultra-targeted with your listicle might make you wonder if there's really an audience for that kinda thing.

Well, there probably is, and you'll probs have very little competition when trying to reach them when you write about your specialist subject.


Journal prompts

"Oh my days, Aime how many more ideas do you have?!?", don't worry, we're nearly done.

If you're in the world of planning, organisation, mindfulness or stationery - you can never go wrong with some journalling prompt listicles.



From organisation to organisations - let's get to a listicle of companies, charities, and communities. I wanna know the organisations that everyone in your industry should bookmark.

Client manager Cai has just written one of these for us - 15 favourite Bristol arts organisations (and how to support them) - since he's somewhat of an expert in that area.

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A late addition to this post, and probably because I'm still sat in my gym leggings at 6:07pm following a lunchtime PT session.

A flexible and repeatable topic for anyone in the world of fitness - you can share your exercises based on goals, difficulty, equipment, location and way more.



Ok I get it, as soon as you publish a secret on your blog, it stops being a secret - so maybe think of this listicle idea more like Easter Eggs.

Hidden details that you get to reveal, positioning you as someone in the know who has their eye on allll the details.


Red flags

How did I nearly forget this listicle idea?

Sharing red flags can sometimes feels like you're dobbing someone else in - but they're an incredible way to serve your community and establish yourself a figure of trust.

Like this one I wrote a lil while back, 16 frighteningly popular sales tactics that work ghoulishly well (and might just be some bright, blood-red flags).



You're an expert who can do exactly what your client needs - but that doesn't mean much if you're not within their budget.

Helping your reader by sharing DIYs wins them some incremental gains, and makes you their go-to source when that investment is ready for spending.



By definition, clichés are overused and often meaningless - so save your readers from fading into the crowd with your industry clichés.

I love this type of listicle for creative businesses like copywriters, photographers, and social media managers.


Things you did this year

I wanted to end this article with our year in review listicle - but I literally just realised that it hasn't been published as I was meant to sort the images. Whoopsy poopsy, sorry Lyzi.

So instead here's one we put together for our client, 11 custom engagement rings designed by Jacks Turner.

Think of this end of year listicle like your Instagram top 9 - except you can publish as many as you like and it might just boost your SEO for years to come.

Holy cannoli, thank you ever so much for sticking with me throughout that epic list of ideas. Oh, and thank you to Pexels, my preferred free stock photo library, for providing like 65% of the pics in this article.

I’ll be coming back to this listicle regularly to add in more ideas for your content, and if you have a contribution – I’d love to hear from ya – just pop me a DM via Instagram.

Since I’ve already talked your eyes off, instead of a big conclusion I’m just going to end with an old blog post about my legendary NASALS mnemonic so you can write the perfect headlines for your new listicles.

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Content producer Lyzi wears a black top and shows Kath something on her phone with a pale pink case.
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