The Studio Cotton microphone and a keyboard.
Studio Cotton

Professional podcast
web design

You’ve created something worth listening to, and now we’d like to build you a beautiful professional website to attract even more listeners and make your monetisisation easier.

Totes professional

A thoroughly commercial approach to podcast web design

Hey podcaster – we want to build you a way better website.

From comedy to true crime, our exceptional podcast websites attract a whole heap of new visitors, and make it easy for them to find episodes and become dedicated listeners.

Studio Cotton's Aime and Cai working together on an Apple MacBook.
A close up on Studio Cotton's Aime and Alex using Apple iPads.

Plus, our podcast websites are designed to maximise the ways you monetise your content (and minimise your time making it happen).

No more hodge-podge-blog-bodges; we’ve built a commercially-optimised, compromise-free podcast website, and we think you’ll ruddy love it.

Podcast website launch offer

Up to £900 off your podcast website

Let’s be upfront – this is a brand new service, and we want to flood our portfolio so we can hopefully sell even more websites to wonderful podcasters.

We’re offering £900 off up to 3 podcast websites in 2023, and £450 off 3 projects in 2024.

Studio Cotton founder Aime sits on her desk chair. She is wearing a lilac dress with poofy sleeves and a scrunchie on her wrist. She is clutching a book and a pen, facing away from her desk and looking to the right of the camera. In the background is Aime's laptop and monitor on her desk and several plants on the right hand side.
Your voice, our websites

Websites for all kinds of podcasts

Any genre

Our podcast websites are optimised to help you find YOUR audience, whoever that might be.

Big or small

No matter your size, our podcast websites are all about showing off your content in the best possible way.

Formats for you

We can embed audio, video, or both, and always optimise websites to encourage people to subscribe on the best platform for you and your listeners.

That first episode feeling...

Grow your podcast listeners with all the built-in SEO wins

Online shops are optimised to sell products, digital magazines are optimised to impress readers and small business websites are optimised to promote services.

We’ve built hundreds of websites that achieve these goals, and now we’re bringing those exact qualities to the world of podcasting.

With a fierce SEO foundation and all the built-in tools and data you need, you’ll be all set to get those pages and episodes ranking highly on Google.

Our thoughtful, evidence-based approach to UX is centred around helping your customer find that perfect first episode, making them one click away from your subscribe button.

Optimised for revenue generation

Monetise your podcast, without getting salesy

We want to give podcasters all the ways to smartly integrate monetising opportunities into their website.

Pick the monetising channels that work for you and your podcast – we won’t add ecommerce to your website if you’re more of an affiliate links and memberships kinda broadcaster. 

Hands holding a mouse in front of a keyboard.
Monetising options

How we monetise your podcast website


Showcase your episode, series, and podcast sponsors, and enjoy our inbuilt sponsorship guidelines page to help dream collaborators find you.

Affiliate links

Increase affiliate income by adding transparently declared affiliate links into your episode resources and/or recommendations page.

Memberships & tipping

Whether you use Patreon, Discord, Kickstarter, Ko-fi, Buy Me A Coffee, Substack, or something else, we’ll point your biggest supporters to your membership platform.


Promote your products on third party marketplaces and dropshipping sites. From Etsy to Teespring to Amazon, let’s get your products to your people.

Services & courses

Embed ads and promotions for the awesome stuff you’re already selling, and drive traffic from your podcast content.


Sell your own products and merchandise by adding ecommerce onto your podcast website – it’s the very same engine our ecommerce clients use.

Private episodes

Position paid-for episodes alongside your public content to get all-eyes on your monetised content through SEO.

Events & live recordings

Invite your listener to paid-for private events listed on your website, or cross-promote using platforms like Eventbrite.

Newsletters & social

Turn website visitors into email subscribers and social followers to keep engaging and growing your podcast.

Podcast website features & functions

Packed with easy-to-manage features your listeners will love

Our special features are packed into every podcast website, built specifically to help you organise and optimise your podcast.

This list doesn’t even include all the standard website stuff like home, about, contact and even the boring legal pages, which come as standard with all our web design packages. 

It might sound overwhelming, but we’ve streamlined the back end and packed in time-saving features to make website management fit in seamlessly with your current podcast admin.

A solution for podcast websites

Why we launched a podcast website package

We’ve been building small business websites since 2016, but now it’s time for a wiggle – not a pivot.

Read our blog post for a lil more detail of why we decided to create our exceptional podcast web design package, and listen to Aime’s playlist of podcast appearances to hear her dulcet Bristolian tones.

The Studio Cotton microphone.
Built for your podcast

Bespoke and branded

Each podcast website is made to order. We don’t use a template – but we have built a framework.

Just like an online shop follows certain design rules, we’ve optimised all the thoroughly-researched podcast features.

We pack in way more stuff (at a much lower price) with every pixel perfectly tuned to your podcast.

The bit you're looking for

Podcast website prices

We know that you have a budget, and need to know if our podcast website design services fit in it. 

Well, here’s our podcast web design packages and their pricing.

Each package is packed with features & templates, and we share the full breakdown before our initial project consultations.

Podcast website price list

  • Podcast website £10,000
  • Add rich blogging +£1,500
  • Add merch shop +£1,200
  • Add rich case studies +£750
  • Manually migrate 50 episodes £450
  • Custom additions To spec
Prices include VAT
Valid until: 06/2024
If you want a new podcast website...

Fancy taking things further?

That’s delightful, we can’t wait to hear from you. Head to our contact page to fill out our enquiry form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can : )

Answers to the biggies

We really love to chat podcast websites

We’re always updating our podcast web design FAQs but totally appreciate that every project is different – and you probably have something on your mind that we haven’t answered – yet.

If you need more information, we’d love to help. Drop us a quick call during studio hours, or pop an email over any time. 

Podcast web design FAQs

No. Your new podcast website is all about sending your listeners to your audio content on the platforms they and you already use.

That means encouraging Spotify users to subscribe on Spotify, or Apple Podcast listeners to choose Apple.

We can host your audio and visual files for people who want to listen via your website too, but the ultimate goal is to help you gain subscribers.

Any content that can be automatically migrated from your old website will be pulled over to your new website. There will always be a heap of copy and pasting involved, as well as creating new content for your custom platform.

We will manually migrate a maximum of 8 pieces of content – like blog articles, podcast episodes or products – and can provide a quote for more that will depend on the quantity and systems involved.

Our small business website package includes a year of hosting, maintenance and support which means there are no additional cost commitments for 12 months.

After that point, you will at minimum need to cover website hosting, your SSL certificate, and licensing for the premium plugins that are used on your website. For this we offer a Host & Secure package, and you can get in touch with us on [email protected] for our most up-to-date prices. Some plugins are excluded from this package.


Every website requires regular maintenance, content additions, seasonal changes and, well, just some ongoing TLC in order to be the best possible tool for your small business. Whether that is managed by you and your team, or outsourced to a lovely company like ours, we recommend that this is taken into account when undertaking a new website design project.

No. We only build websites that utilise a WordPress content management system.

We book 1-3 website design projects per month, our next availability is September 2024, and we can discuss other slots during an initial consultation.

The bulk of the website build takes place over a 4-6 week period from the agreed project start date. After that point we will work through your amends, and provide you with training so that you can input your content, products and/or blogs.

This feedback & content entry period happens at your pace, with some clients spending as little as a week, and others a couple of months.

When you’re happy that all of the feedback has been implemented and your content is tip-top, we book you in for a website launch within about 5-10 days.

Whilst many of our clients choose to rebrand before starting a new website project, most do not – and they still see a monumental transformation.

We find creative ways to implement every brand identity – from where and how we use your brand palettes, through the use of font styling, layouts and formatting.

Yes. Our website design services do not include branding or brand identity design, and we ask that you are able to provide key brand assets including your logo(s), brand fonts, brand colour palette and any imagery like photography and custom illustrations or icons.

We do include brand refinement in each of website packages though, where we advise on and tweak a brand to make the most of the website format. This can include colour changes/additions, font substitutions and aesthetic recommendations.

No. We do not offer website design/development services for existing websites.

Our website design projects require a 50% deposit at the time of booking and the full balance settled before a website goes online. Some of our clients choose to break down the final 50% over multiple payments, which is a-ok with us.

If you have a schedule in mind, e.g. splitting into equal monthly amounts, we can set this up following our initial project consultation.

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