
30 phenomenal brand, marketing & website tips for your small business

Close up of a variegated, pinstripe calathea plant in front of a white background.
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This article and all others on the Studio Cotton blog are written by humans. Please enjoy our opinions, expertise, advice, experiences, and typos.

All throughout September we have posted some baller tips in the form of 5-minute tasks that you can do to raise your small business’ branding or marketing game.

Whether you have completed every task, every day, or simply dabbled in our challenge;

You have CRUSHED IT. (I mean, you run your own small business and that’s an epic challenge.)

Everyone works at their own pace, and working to improve your branding across all forms of media is a marathon task that’s easier to tackle when it’s broken down into short sprints. That’s why we’ve broken our tips into individual blog posts.

So, don’t forget: you’re awesome and every step you take, every move you make… – no, we won’t be watching you – we’ll be cheering you on as your brand identity develops and becomes closer to the one of your dreams.

If you haven’t had the chance to complete all of the 5-min business chores then I’m pleased to present you with a super handy, super helpful checklist at the bottom of the blog post. It’s Studio Cotton’s uber official task list and list of blogs and Instagram posts to help you push your brand to the next level, in your own time. (We’re superstars we know 😉 )

Covering visual branding, website optimisation, image management, file sizes and types, email newsletters and photo editing. We hope you’ve picked up some top tips and freebies throughout the month and put ’em to good use.

If you’re pleased with your progress on our tasks and want to make the next move ( – not as super serious as it sounds – ) then hit us up for a mentoring session. We’d love to meet for a coffee and discuss the next stage in our ~relationship~.

Download the complete list:

Studio Cotton's downloadable list of super tips for small businesses and blog posts to up your marketing stategy and brand identity

If you’ve enjoyed our marathon of blog posts over the past month then please do let us know, we won’t get tired of hearing your feedback (especially if it’s positive). It might even motivate us to do crazy things like this again in the future.

And if you’ve found there’s something we’re missing but that’s perplexing you, don’t forget you can always Ask Aime Anything


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Meet Studio Cotton

We’re a website design studio for small businesses & podcasts, publishing tonnes of advice from our studio in central Bristol, UK.

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Lyzi from Studio Cotton using an Apple iPhone.
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